Thursday, August 04, 2005

Your Logo on a RAMP or JUMPSUIT

Hey a quick note before I launch into a donation opportunity.
Last night I stayed up late drinking white wine and surfing the net for stuntmen and escape artists, and I found some information based on a hunch I had about Houdini. I can't say what it is, but this info helped me to relate a few of the random pieces I had going in the show about Amazin Joe from Fresno and my own propensity towards hurting myself, and hurting myself worse when my body says stop, and I keep going.

Anyway here is a way to help the Daredevils:

Hello everybody. I am writing as a representative of the Neo-Futurist Daredevils. We are in rehearsals for our daredevil, jackassery, sideshow, gymnastic extravaganza.

In an attempt not to have to cut corners on what our show needs in order to make it the best we can, we are offering a cool way for people to donate money to the cause. Like the style of sports stars, stuntmen, racecar drivers, etc. We are decorating our ramp and our costumes with paid advertising and names of persoanl donators.

The money accumulated will help pay for the flight suits, our ramps, a vehicle we have to construct to shoot Anthony, of the Monkeyes, across the stage unharmed like a human cannonball, we also have to purchase a mini bike or mini-scooter for Ryan, and we have to construct a portable tight wire for Dean, a large fish tank for John to dunk his head in and nightly we have to pay for the hottest curry in town for Andy.

So for those of you interested contact any of the Daredevils and we will give you details.

Right now a 25 Dollar donation will get your name or a company logo onto one of our jumpsuits. (the simpler the logo the better. or if you have it on a piece of fabric like a shirt that can be worked with easily.) A 50 Dollar donation will get your name or company logo painted onto our ramp. There may be smaller ways of accepting names and companies for a lesser donation of around 15 Bucks, but I don't have an anwer for that yet, but I doubt we will refuse the funds. Also each Jumpsuit, six in all, will primarily feature one company or
personal sponsor, with a large logo. This 50 Donation will go directly to the paying of the suit. All the other 25 dollar donations for the suits will be smaller logos on sleaves, torso, and legs. We all think it is a great idea, and think it is a wonderful and also funny way to let our friends support us. It would be nice to get confirmation within the next couple of weeks, but quite frankly we'll probably take them up and through the run, if you are one of those late donator people.

Thank you in advance.

Also we have a site if you are interested in keeping up with the progress of the show.

Please forward this to any interested parties and give them my e-mail address.

John Pierson
The Neo-Daredevils


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